The Imatra-Hamina and Vyborg (Viipuri) crossroads at the Saima lake coast is an excellent place for the fortress. So it is. There is a short way from Pietari (St.Petersburg) by the cheapest bus named "spirtovoz" (spirit carrier - rus.). I'm not guess why they named so :)
When you come to the place you should get out from the bus and speak up aloud next sentence: "Missa on Villmanstrand linnake?" 1) and the next man will answer "Huvää paivää" 2) and show you the direction.
But if you get back words "Idi nach...!"3) that will mean you did not win your destination yet and there is need to travel a little more...
1) Sorry for inconveniences. I have made a long journey to see that mysterious and glamourous fortress of Villmanstrand. Would you so kind to show me right direction to the subject? - fin.
2) Wow! It's a certainly good day! - fin.
3) Dear Sir! I have no any guess what you about. Would you ask someone else... - rus.