Final shot of the BT-5 tank

Performance characteristics of the Soviet BT-5 light tank
- Weight: 13,8 т;
- crew: 3 man;
- length: 5,66 m;
- width: 2,29 m;
- height: 2,40 m;
- engine: carburettor aviation M-17T;
- engine power: 500 h.p.;
- road speed: 72 km/h (rolls), 52 km/h (caterpillars);
- road distance: 500 km (rolls), 350 km(caterpillars);
- armament: 45 mm gun, 2 7.62 machine guns DT (1 - in command type of tank);
- armor: 8-15 mm thick
The BT tanks family was developed on the base of American tanks M1928 and M1931 of Walter Christi in early 1930-s.