Plan of Salpa Line

Plan of Salpa Line

Virolahti fortified sector can be found near to 7 km after Virolahti settlement (if you go from Russia to Hamina by highway #7). There is a sign "Museo" on the right side of the highway and branch to the right with the road pointers. There are 6 well equipped bunkers in the museum however there are several abandoned pillboxes and shelters down the forest road to Miehikkälä direction. The lines of granite antitank obstacles is a good landmark.

Miehikkälä fortified sector now is a big museum of 4 ha. square. There are the concrete machine gun and gun bunkers, shelters, field fortifications and etc. You will get to it if you make a right turn on the crossroads in Virolahti, than the left turn near the church in Miehikkälä for the road to Luumäki. There is near to 2 km from church to museum.

Luumäki fortified sector covers the highway #6 between Tavetti and Laapenranta and situated just 10 km from Tavetty. The landmark is motell Luumäen. Fortified area with bunkers and pillboxes crosses the highway near to 1 km to the north from motell and extends 1.5-2 km to the east to marshes.

Finland is not Russia, as you know. Spaces and areas are small here, there are exelent roads and road's pointers on all ways and you never have a problems: "Damn! How can I get to ... ?" All you need are road map, car, limited Finnish language knowledge ("Bunkkeri", "museum", "Salpa-asema", and "päivää", "hyvä", "anteeksi" and "piru vieköön" - that's enough I recon) and money (unlimited amount desirable).

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Land forts and fortress:
Bip Castle Gatchina Ivangorod Izborsk Kexholm Kirillov Monastery Koporye Novgorod Pechorskiy Monastery Peter&Paul Fortress Porkhov Pskov Schlisselburg Staraya Ladoga Tikhvin Vyborg Hameenlinna Hamina Kastelholm Kymenlinna Lappaenranta Raseborg Castle Savonlinna Tavetti Turku Visby Fredrikstadt Fredriksten Hegra Fort Hoytorp Fort Arensburg Narva Tallinn Antipatris Caesarea Jerusalem Latrun Fort Masada
Sea forts and fortresses:
Alexander Fort Ino Fort Krasnaya Gorka Fort Kronstadt: Kotlin isl. Kronstadt: North Forts Kronstadt: South Forts Trongsund Hanko Svartholm Sveaborg Marstrand Siaro Fort Vaxholm Oscarsborg
Artillery batteries and individual guns:
Coastal Artillery Hemso Fort
Fortified areas and defensive lines:
Karelian Fortified Area (KaUR) KrUR Leningrad Mannerheim Line Nevsky Bridgehead VT Line Harparskog Line Salpa Line Gothland
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