In the Vyborg Bay. So called Trångzund position is located at the mouth of the fairways leading directly to Vyborg city. The easiest way to get to the Trangsund redoubt is by bus Vyborg-Vysotsk, to the rest of the objects of the position - either by water by boat, yacht or in frosty winter on ice by the foot.
1. Redoubt Trangsund
2. Fortification 'Zorinskie' on Ravonsaari island
3. Rear Pielskaya battery
4. Advanced Pielskaya battery on Mustasaasre isl.
5. Nikolaevskaya battery on Turkinsaare isl.
6. Redoubt Harkisaari
7. Battery Harkoniemi
8. 'Vysotsky Gate'
9. Niemelskaya battery
10. Battery of Hanukkala.